The INDEED Evaluation Podcast
The INDEED Evaluation Podcast interviews leading practitioners, experts, policy makers, researchers and evaluators working in the fields of evidence-based evaluation, policy and practice in preventing and countering violent extremism and de-radicalisation. The podcast of the INDEED Project – – the podcast is made possible due to the generous funding of the European Commission.
The INDEED Projects has received funding by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme H2020-SU-SEC-2020 under grant agreement no 101021701.
The INDEED Evaluation Podcast
Ep. 6 Sophie Ebbecke "Learning from the PrEval Experience"
In the realm of Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (P/CVE), rigorous evaluation practices play a pivotal role in shaping effective strategies. Sophie Ebbecke, a Research Associate at the Global Public Policy Institute in Berlin, provides insights into the PrEval Initiative, focusing on advancing evaluation methodologies within P/CVE, civic education, and democracy promotion. Through international expert surveys spanning 14 countries, the initiative examines diverse perspectives on evaluation practices, aiming to identify key actors, funding mechanisms, and methodological tools currently utilized in the field.
Despite challenges such as limited funding and varying levels of evaluation expertise among practitioners, there is a growing consensus on the necessity of enhancing evaluation awareness and capabilities. By leveraging insights from adjacent disciplines and fostering a community of practice, the initiative seeks to refine approaches and strengthen the impact of P/CVE efforts globally.
See also the video interview here:
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