The INDEED Evaluation Podcast
The INDEED Evaluation Podcast interviews leading practitioners, experts, policy makers, researchers and evaluators working in the fields of evidence-based evaluation, policy and practice in preventing and countering violent extremism and de-radicalisation. The podcast of the INDEED Project – – the podcast is made possible due to the generous funding of the European Commission.
The INDEED Projects has received funding by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme H2020-SU-SEC-2020 under grant agreement no 101021701.
The INDEED Evaluation Podcast
Ep. 7 Kai Brand-Jacobsen "Conducting Evidence-Based Evaluation in the PCVE and De-Radicalisation Fields"
In an insightful interview, Kai Brand-Jacobsen, President of the Romanian Peace Institute and a seasoned expert in peacebuilding, emphasizes the critical need for evidence-based evaluation in the fields of Preventing/Countering Violent Extremism (P/CVE) and de-radicalization. With over 25 years of experience, Brand-Jacobsen discusses the evolving role of evaluation from merely a donor-imposed requirement to a vital tool for practitioners to understand and enhance their strategies. He highlights the importance of balancing academic rigor with practical usability, involving practitioners and communities throughout the evaluation process, and fostering a culture where evaluation is seen as empowering and participatory.
The future, he suggests, lies in improving evaluation culture, promoting collaborative approaches, building a global community, and ensuring policy integration based on solid evaluation evidence.
See also the video interview here:
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